Active pump jacks increase pressure to draw oil toward the surface at the South Belridge Oil Field on February 26, 2022, in unincorporated Kern County, California, approximately 141 miles (227 km) northwest of Los Angeles, California. - From rural areas of the eastern states where modern oil production began to cities in southern California where pumpjacks loom not far from homes, lax regulations and the petroleum industrys boom and busts cycles have left the US pockmarked with perhaps hundreds of thousands of oil wells that are unsealed and haven't produced in decades. In a first, Washington is making a concerted effort to plug these wells by allocating $4.7 billion in federal infrastructure dollars to plug the wells in an effort to lessen the negative health and environmental impact of the disused wells. (Photo by Robyn BECK / AFP)
سجلت أسعار النفط اليوم الخميس،85.43 دولار للبرميل للعقود الآجلة لخام القياس العالمى برنت،كما سجلت العقود الآجلة لخام غرب تكساس الوسيط الأمريكى 81.25 دولار للبرميل، حيث واصلت الأسعار اليوم سلسة من الخسائر استمرت لثلاث أيام.