Kuwait Energy Egypt Empowers Students and Advances Ocean Conservation through SEG Field Camp

Focused on marine geophysical surveys and addressing marine challenges, Kuwait Energy Egypt continues in supporting the Egypt SEG field camp 2023 as the diamond sponsor for the second consecutive year and host of the award day at the headquarters

The camp centered around conducting geophysical surveys in the marine environment, studying habitats, and understanding their connection to climate change

With the urgency to support the outcomes of COP 27, this camp aimed to contribute to the global effort to preserve our marine ecosystems

Kuwait Energy Egypt joined forces with ExxonMobil Egypt and the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in making this groundbreaking camp the first of its kind in the Middle East and worldwide in fostering unique learning experiences and outcomes

The Camp attracted a diverse group of 30 participants from various countries and universities, who came together from the United States of America, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Sudan, and Egypt to exchange knowledge and experiences, enriching the collective understanding of marine geophysical surveys and the impacts of climate change

Participants received comprehensive training using cutting-edge technologies related to marine geophysical surveys

Through hands-on experience and data acquisition process aboard the Salsabil vessel, they gained proficiency in utilizing advanced software for data processing

The camp concluded with a ceremonial Award Day held at Kuwait Energy Egypt’s premises where all organizers, instructors, and participants were awarded, and the outcomes were celebrated

Supporting the camp and believing in the cause, Kuwait Energy Egypt fostered international collaboration, promoted sustainable practices and contributed to the development of sustainable strategies for the protection and preservation of our oceans

Kuwait Energy Egypt Empowers Students and Advances Ocean Conservation through SEG Field Camp Kuwait Energy Egypt Empowers Students and Advances Ocean Conservation through SEG Field Camp تعزيز حماية المحيطات وتمكين الطلاب.. معسكر SEG الميداني 2023 برعاية كويت إنرجي

سيد الأبنودى

سيد الأبنودي، صحفي متخصص في مجال البترول والطاقة والتعدين، يتمتع بخبرة تمتد لمدة 19 عامًا في صناعة البترول، لديه خبرة غنية في مجال العلاقات العامة والإعلام، حيث قدم إسهامات قيمة وتقارير دقيقة تعكس تفاصيل الصناعة وتحدياتها _Sayed El-Abnody, a specialized journalist in the fields of petroleum, energy, and mining, boasts a 19-year experience in the petroleum industry. He holds rich expertise in public relations and media, delivering valuable contributions and accurate reports that reflect the intricacies and challenges of the industry.
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